PRP CIP Aggregate Calculator

This aggregate is specially created for the calculation of aggregate marks for Punjab Residency Program Central Induction Policy (CIP). It has been designed according to the latest policy as laid down by the Punjab Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department. You have to complete all the relevant fields in order to get the aggregate. The experience fields will be automatically disabled if you don't have experience after house job.

Also See: How to Join Pak Army as a Doctor (Click Here)

Note: MS / MD / MDS option will be added soon. Cut-Off aggregate for FCPS (January Induction 2022) was around 64%.

Select the Program 

Sum of Total Marks in All Profs

Sum of Obtained Marks in All Profs

House Job

Applying for Training at Parent Institute?
Select No if you are a Private Graduate

Total Distinctions
Max 02 distinctions

Do you have experience after House Job?

Experience at BHUs and RHCs
Experience in months (Max 24 months)

Experience at THQ / DHQ / Non-Teaching Hospitals
Experience in months (Max 40 months)

Experience at Tertiary Healthcare
Experience in months (Max 60 months)

Research Papers
Max 02 Papers (1st, 2nd or 3rd author)

Aggregate %

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