How to Improve your Memory

“Oh I forgot”, “I can’t retain anything”; these are the allegations you hear many times a day around you. About 85% of students have various mental issues resulting in dementia. So, there are few easy ways to cope with this.
         Memories are stored in our brain cortex in an area called HIPPOCAMPUS. There are 3 stages of memory formation:
Encoding: receiving, processing and combining of received information
Storage: Creation of permanent record of the encoded information in short term or long term memory
Retrieval: Calling back the stored information in response to some cue for use in a process or activity
Let's have a brief look on types of memory. We classify memory in 3 types
1) Sensory memory that lasts for few seconds
2) Short term memory that lasts for hours or few days
3) Long term memory that persists for years or even lifetime
memory terms
The question is how we can strengthen our memory. There are few easy ways to enhance your memory:
Brainstorming: You have to do brain work out to improve your memory. This can be playing chess, swimming or learning a new skill. This will increase neuronal stimulation and new neuronal pathways are generated. This will prevent deterioration of neurons that cause dementia.
Avoid multi-tasking: If you want to be productive, focus on one task at a time. Multi-tasking divide your concentration and you can’t get desired results.
multi tasking
Diet: This is very important. As you have heard a sound body has a sound mind. So sort out your food cupboard, replace junk food with fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk products. The human brain is nearly 60% fat. Take unsaturated fats such as fish, nuts, and seeds. Eat plenty of water as it will keep you hydrated and active.
foods to prevent memory loss
Stress: Stress can eat you up. So avoid stress. Try to be happy and avoid unnecessary thoughts it would help you in retaining things and keeping a right focus.
Socializing: Yes, making new friends and interacting with people in a healthy atmosphere can strengthen you emotionally and mentally. Prefrontal lobe plays important role in this aspect. This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior. The basic activity of this brain region is considered to be orchestration of thoughts and actions in accordance with internal goals.
Now we will look into ways of how to study efficiently. Because most of the times you have been staring at a  page for hours and are unable to interpret. Just keep following things in your mind and you will be able to excel in your studies:
Overview: Before starting a new chapter. Have a brief overview of the chapter. Read objectives at the start of the chapter. Prepare yourself for the topic. You should know what you are going to read.
Highlight: Highlight important things. So at the last moments you don’t get panic and can go through important stuff easily.
Mnemonics:  This is a system such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations which assist in remembering something. Try to relate things so that you can remember them at right time.
Avoid distractions: Cell phone, laptop, and TV can distract you. Before studying. Keep these things away from your approach. It will help you do your task in less time and efficiently.
Rehearsal:  keep revising things. Rehearsal causes increased neuronal stimulation that converts short term memory into long term memory.
Rest: This is the most important. An individual needs 7-8 hours of sleep to work productively. Your brain needs rest. Even skimping on a few hours makes a difference! Memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills are all compromised. Research shows that memory-enhancing activity occurs during the deepest stages of sleep.

  “There are four powers; memory and intellect, desire and covetousness. The two first are mental and the others sensual” (Leonardo da Vinci)    

So enhance your mental powers with these easy tricks. A strong memory depends on the vitality of your brain. Whether you are a student banging your head against a project, a working professional doing a task or a senior looking to enhance your grey matter as you age, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your memory and mental performance. Supercharge your memory for a better life!

How to Improve your Memory

How to Improve your Memory

“Oh I forgot”, “I can’t retain anything”; these are the allegations you hear many times a day around you. About 85% of students have various mental issues resulting in dementia. So, there are few easy ways to cope with this.
         Memories are stored in our brain cortex in an area called HIPPOCAMPUS. There are 3 stages of memory formation:
Encoding: receiving, processing and combining of received information
Storage: Creation of permanent record of the encoded information in short term or long term memory
Retrieval: Calling back the stored information in response to some cue for use in a process or activity
Let's have a brief look on types of memory. We classify memory in 3 types
1) Sensory memory that lasts for few seconds
2) Short term memory that lasts for hours or few days
3) Long term memory that persists for years or even lifetime
memory terms
The question is how we can strengthen our memory. There are few easy ways to enhance your memory:
Brainstorming: You have to do brain work out to improve your memory. This can be playing chess, swimming or learning a new skill. This will increase neuronal stimulation and new neuronal pathways are generated. This will prevent deterioration of neurons that cause dementia.
Avoid multi-tasking: If you want to be productive, focus on one task at a time. Multi-tasking divide your concentration and you can’t get desired results.
multi tasking
Diet: This is very important. As you have heard a sound body has a sound mind. So sort out your food cupboard, replace junk food with fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk products. The human brain is nearly 60% fat. Take unsaturated fats such as fish, nuts, and seeds. Eat plenty of water as it will keep you hydrated and active.
foods to prevent memory loss
Stress: Stress can eat you up. So avoid stress. Try to be happy and avoid unnecessary thoughts it would help you in retaining things and keeping a right focus.
Socializing: Yes, making new friends and interacting with people in a healthy atmosphere can strengthen you emotionally and mentally. Prefrontal lobe plays important role in this aspect. This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior. The basic activity of this brain region is considered to be orchestration of thoughts and actions in accordance with internal goals.
Now we will look into ways of how to study efficiently. Because most of the times you have been staring at a  page for hours and are unable to interpret. Just keep following things in your mind and you will be able to excel in your studies:
Overview: Before starting a new chapter. Have a brief overview of the chapter. Read objectives at the start of the chapter. Prepare yourself for the topic. You should know what you are going to read.
Highlight: Highlight important things. So at the last moments you don’t get panic and can go through important stuff easily.
Mnemonics:  This is a system such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations which assist in remembering something. Try to relate things so that you can remember them at right time.
Avoid distractions: Cell phone, laptop, and TV can distract you. Before studying. Keep these things away from your approach. It will help you do your task in less time and efficiently.
Rehearsal:  keep revising things. Rehearsal causes increased neuronal stimulation that converts short term memory into long term memory.
Rest: This is the most important. An individual needs 7-8 hours of sleep to work productively. Your brain needs rest. Even skimping on a few hours makes a difference! Memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills are all compromised. Research shows that memory-enhancing activity occurs during the deepest stages of sleep.

  “There are four powers; memory and intellect, desire and covetousness. The two first are mental and the others sensual” (Leonardo da Vinci)    

So enhance your mental powers with these easy tricks. A strong memory depends on the vitality of your brain. Whether you are a student banging your head against a project, a working professional doing a task or a senior looking to enhance your grey matter as you age, there are a lot of things you can do to improve your memory and mental performance. Supercharge your memory for a better life!

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